Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chilean style

Now that the University area is in full swing with thousands of Chilean students, it has been great looking at all the various styles and outfits that they wear. Almost every single person has some bit of 80's/punk incorporated into their outfit, boys cut the necks of their t-shirts so they are more off-the-shoulder, tons of people wear converse sneakers, everyone has an "interesting" haircut, the girls wear a ton of graphic leggings with all sorts of crazy designs, or genie pants, jumpers, weird jeans, facial piercings are very popular.
I'm also still trying to figure out the different "tribos urbanos" or urban tribes that are going on here... I mean with names like pokemones, flaites, pelo lais... what the heck?
I found this video, it's a little long but shows basically a lot of the things I am disturbed to see when I walk the streets of Santiago

all in all, I like the Chilean's style because it is very daring and creative, but sometimes I have to do a double take and ask... is she really wearing that??


  1. Sofa! So good to read your blog. It sounds like you are having an amazing time and taking advantage of every opportunity. I am very jealous of your adventures and I'm also very glad that you made it through the earthquake safely. I saw this on Etsy today and thought of you:

    Love you cousin!

  2. Hey Sophie! I miss you!. Have fun.

  3. carolyn that is the cutest and best thing I have ever seen!!! thank you for sharing!

    Elizabeth I miss you tooooo!
